Salmon Crosswalks

Community Partners is an all-volunteer organization helping make improvements to our local communities that enhance livability and quality of life for local citizens and visitors alike. Since our inception in 2010 we have helped significantly improve pride, attitudes and overall perceptions throughout our local community. We are a driving force behind an ever-increasing number of community projects, including:


  • Organizing Community Improvements:
    -Salmon crosswalks
    -Grooming downtown planter beds
    -Supporting Community Cleanup
    -Welcome to White Salmon Signage
    -Salmon murals on fences
    -City parking lot retaining walls
    -Advocating downtown bike racks
    -Advocating downtown water fountains

    Tree aglow

  • Producing Local Events:
    -Dock Grade Xmas ornaments
    -Dreaming of a White Salmon Xmas tree lighting
    -Community Halloween and Haunted House
    -July 4th Parade and Concert
    -Supporting SpringFest
    -Supporting Art & Wine Fusion
    -Supporting Rheingarten Park events
    -Community fundraisers
  • Supporting Local Parks:
    -Supporting White Salmon Valley Pool
    -Advocating Rheingarten Park amphitheater
    -Supporting Spokes Trailbike Skills Park
    -Mamie and Francis Gaddis Park Cleanup
    -Advocating Columbia Riverside Park

We’re both a 501(c)(3) non-profit and a state of Washington non-profit. All our efforts and funds go toward community improvements. We’ll love help from anyone who can spare some time, money, and/or good ideas toward improving our community. Volunteer to help build a stronger community, join our Email List to stay informed, or contact us at

Our Mission

Community Partners of Bingen-White Salmon mission is to identify, develop, and produce significant, measurable initiatives that enhance local livability and improve the local business environments by working with citizens, communities, businesses and government agencies in Klickitat and Skamania counties to:

  • Attract businesses and people to the area as visitors, tourists, and working entities,
  • Improve the ambiance, livability, and expanding opportunities in the area,
  • Provide human and financial resource to undertake, and assist others toward these goals.


About Community Partners — 1 Comment

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